Cooking Oil Filtration

Cooking Oil Filtration

The OIL Guys offer a couple of different options to filter your cooking oil in your deep fryers in your kitchens.


  • Filtration machines on wheels
    240v or battery operated completely cordless ( subject to availability )
    Wheel the cart upto your deep fryer, open your fryers door. Attach your fryer funnel to the tap making sure your filtration machine is directly under your fryer tap, open the tap carefully so all of your oil is being drained into the machine, turn your filter machine on and begin the process to put the oil bark into your fryer for re-use.


  • Fryer Filters ( patented )
    The filters are very very popular, they are made from a stainless steel mesh material, they are all made to suit each brand and model stand up fryers.
    Pull out and empty with ease, once, twice, five or ten times per day as you wish. Or after every service.
    • Save time cleaning your fryers as majority of your food scraps and crumbs aren’t going to be sitting in the bottom of your deep-fryer.
    • Save on oil costs and oil consumption.
    • No need to dump your oils to filter them any more.




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